The Inbetweeners Movie
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
The Inbetweeners Movie picks up where the ever-so-popular TV series, coincidently also named The Inbetweeners, left off. Our fateful foursome take a lads holiday to Malia, where they hope to get their hands on some boobs, sex, pussay, and clunge.
Let me start off by saying the screen I watched this at was attrocious. There was a weird buzzing sound throughout and it was full of the most disrespectful pieces of shit you could ever hope to come across, so this could have had an adverse effect on my opinion of the film. If I seem a little harsh, blame St Helens.
The film begins in the way I was dreading the entire film would play out; with a disjointed collection of references to the series for cheap laughs. There's Carly jokes, Jay getting caught wanking jokes, Mr Gilbert being a dick jokes, and basically everything that they already did in the series. My palm was firmly planted in my face during all of this.
Thankfully, once it's clumbsily tied up all the loose ends, they finally make their way abroad, and that's where things get good. Once the lads arrive, the jokes come thick and fast, much like the subject matter would in many cases. It brings back the beautiful form of the series; melding gross-out humour with cringe-worthy relatable antics. This is when the film really gets into its stride.
The boys bump into a gang of four girls, who for some reason (comedic, probably) latch onto their male Inbetweener counterpart. Will gets the pretty girl because they seem to like his weirdness, Simon gets a shoulder to cry on about Carly and someone to put up with his insecurity, Neil gets some stupid lass, and Jay gets a fat bird for irony's sake. Thus begin 4 half-arsed love stories.
As the film approaches the latter part, it starts to knock down a lot of these big set-piece comedy sequences it's set up along the way. Unfortunately most of these you can see coming a mile off, unless you've lost your glasses.
The ending is also quite soppy and a bit of a let down. It tries to go all serious and filmy and have a proper ending, and much like how the last episode of the series fell a bit flat, this did too.
Overall, it's a very funny film when it's doing what it knows best: being insanely over-the-top and yet still relatable. When it tries to have a go at the more cinematic conventions, it loses its way a touch. The plot is nothing to shout about, but it doesn't have to be because The Inbetweeners is all about the characters. If you loved the show, you'll love this, and if you didn't watch the show (you're weird) you'll still love this. Everyone should go and watch this right now. Just not in St Helens.