
Friday 24 June 2011

In light of the tragic loss of Ryan Dunn, I've decided to review this; one of the only proper films he's actually been in. However, like other film reviewers, I won't be going easy due to the circumstances. Roger Ebert. Prick. Oh, I forgot to cough. Would you look at that.

Haggard stars Ryan Dunn aka Random Hero, Bam Margera, and pretty much everyone else involved in CKY, and was directed by Bam. It follows the supposedly true story of Dunn trying to move on with his life after he gets dumped by his girlfriend. And it's not serious at all.

The first big thing you'll notice is that none of them, except maybe Bam, are good actors. Some of them I would go as far as to say were piss-poor (I believe that's hyphenated). It's also not very well written, and rammed full of clichés, and just general flabbiness. Having said that, it's pretty damn funny, featuring the same kind of humour we've grown to love with Jackass. It was quite interesting to see how they integrated the humour of the stunts into a scripted film, but they manage it pretty well on the whole.

The way the film is constructed is very weird. It's identical to a CKY video, with lots of random cut-aways of time-lapse stuff, and skateboarding set to music, except instead of the meat of the film being stunts, it's a scripted story. I kind of enjoyed it, though found it hard to see the relevance of most of it, and some of the musical choices felt very out-of-place at times. I know Bam loves HIM (So much so that he adopts the name of its lead singer for his character in this film), but their music isn't as versatile as he likes to think it is.

Considering it's supposed to be a film about Dunn going through a bad time with his love life, Bam seems to be in the spotlight for most of it; something which, along with all the skateboarding cut-aways, I feel I can confidently put down to ego.

Overall, I really quite enjoyed it; though this is mostly down to me being a fan of the people involved. Shooting a film in the style of a skateboard video is quite unusual and unique, and it goes to show that amateur film-makers can do some good stuff with limited resources. I think the slap-dash approach added charm to the film and let me over-look many of the flaws.

I'm not going to say this is a good film, but it's definitely interesting and entertaining enough. If you're a fan of the CKY gang, you'll find lots more here than if you're not. It's like watching a home video; you recognise people all over the place. Don Vito looked so made up when he had two pretty, half-naked ladies sat next to him. He might have cracked a smile if his face didn't weigh so much.

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