Jackass 3.5: A Demographical Review
Thursday, 16 June 2011
In the interests of respecting the diversity of the audience, this review of Jackass 3.5 will work as follows. I'll offer up my thoughts on the film from the perspective of a film critic. This will then be followed by a variety of summations specifically catered to particular groups within society. It is in this way that I hope I can bring the population closer together and heal the problems of the world.
I have extremely high hopes for this method.
Critic: Jackass 3.5 is a half documentary, half out-takes, straight-to-DVD film, featuring unseen footage from the making of Jackass 3D; interspersed with interviews of the cast. There's really not much to say about it as far as a film goes. If you liked Jackass 3D, you'll love this. The stunts obviously aren't quite as polished as the stuff that made it into the actual film, but they're still damn funny, and if you're a fan of the Jackass series, the interviews are pretty interesting and funny too. Ultimately, it's just more Jackass; and that can't be a bad thing.
If you don't agree with the above review, try one of these alternatives. I've endeavoured to be fair and steer as clear from stereotypes as I possibly can.
Old Timer: Bunch of faggots and a midget acting like pratts.
Cynic: It's just a gang of middle-aged men acting like kids. Fucking retarded kids at that. Why is getting hit in the balls so funny? And for fuck sake, put it away lads. You'll see more cock in this film than an evening on chat roulette. Piece. Of. Shit.
Conservative: This filth should be banned! It's going to corrupt our children and make them loosen immigration policies.
Liberal: Freedom of expression at its finest. It's so refreshing to finally see a man electrocute his testicles with a rat trap on film. It translates better than I thought it would. My faith has been restored in humanity.
Moron: It was funny, but I don't think the extra half of a dimension added much. But yeah, very edgy.
Stoner: I missed most of it because I was trying to chew my way into a can of Spam.
Child: I loved it! Loads of ideas to try with my friends.
Religious: Lots of stupid shit that doesn't make sense. It spoke to me on a personal level.
Tween: There's no-one quite as hymen-quiveringly dreamy as Robert Pattinson, but Bam Margera is there, and I think the stunts are an outward display of pent-up angst. It just needs vampires.
Audience = Broadened.
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